
Support the poorest children in Tanzania! You can change a child’s life.

Donations can be made to GO for Tanzania e.V. via bank transfer:

IBAN: DE66 3702 0500 0001 4780 00

or via:
PayPal LogoPayPal Spendenbutton

Details About Our Organization
We aim to provide young people in a school in the northern part of Tanzania with an education and vocational training to give new prospects for life in Tanzania. Most of them are coming from the poorest families; some of them are also orphans.

To date, donations have been used to:
Construct school buildings; construct residential housing for AIDS-orphans and their foster families; and to drill a well. With the donations of last year, a dormitory for girls of the school was built. In addition to these construction measure, the organization also finances teacher’s salaries, school materials and more, so that children in this area of Tanzania can have a permanent opportunity at getting an education and vocational training.

Tax deductibility
Donations to the non-profit organization GO for Tansania e.V. are tax deductible in Germany, as the foundation is recognised as a non-profit organisation by the Ministry of Finance in Mainz, Germany. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide you with any information in regards to donations being tax deductible outside Germany. We can however provide you with a receipt if needed in English and/or German. If you require a receipt, please let us know and provide us with your address information.

Thank you for your support!
The Board
